Name* First Last Email* Phone*I use artificial tears (also known as over-the-counter lubricant eye drops) often. Yes No I usually carry artificial tears with me wherever I go. Yes No I have tried multiple types of over-the-counter artificial tears. Yes No My dry eyes are getting worse. Yes No Dry eyes affect my daily activities. Yes No If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please schedule a comprehensive dry eye consult with Dr. MadanPlease select treatments that you are interested in learning about:* Select All Medication for dry eyes Platelet Rich Plasma Eye Drops Intense Pulse Light Therapy Lipiflow/Miboflow/iLux Radio Frequency Blepharitis Treatment Scleral Lenses Amniotic Membranes Punctal Plugs Meibomian Gland Probing Location* Vancouver North Vancouver MessageNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.